My name is kanyaphak nakkrit. My nickname is aom l 'm. 18 years l was born on. Sunday5th AugustA.D2001 l'm from Nakkhon. sri thammarat l live Bannhamen l finished pratom 6 from Bankhalchang school and Mathayon3 from changklagprachanu school now l'm studying in mathayom6 at .changklang prachanukul. school my major is mat and science
There are 6people in my famliy my father
my mather my oldor sister my Brother-inlaw
My father is49 years. Old
he is gardener . he is hard working
my mother is 48 years old she is kind and active naid we have 3 dog l'm good in math and English
l gol grade in mat. l can singer. l'm generous
l like playing volleyball. my hobbie are read and swimming. my favorilt fruit is apple
l hope to do my best
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